
Jesus always lives to make Intercession for you . . .

Consequently He is able for all time to save those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them (Hebrews 7:25).

Who will condemn? It is Christ Jesus who died, rather, was raised, who also is at the right hand of God, who indeed intercedes for us. (Romans 8:34)

The Spirit too Intercedes . . .

The Spirit too comes to the aid of our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit itself intercedes with inexpressible groanings. And the one who searches hearts knows what is the intention of the Spirit, because it intercedes for the holy ones according to God’s will. (Romans 8:26-27).

Jesus is the Mediator of a new covenant . . .

Therefore He is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance, since a death has occurred which redeems them from the transgressions under the first covenant (Hebrews 9:15).

Jesus appear in the presence of God on your behalf . . .

For Christ has entered, not into a sanctuary made with hands, a copy of the true one, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf  (Hebrews 9:24).

I: Address
Colossians 1:9-14

Intercession Prayer of St. Paul 

9 We have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, 10 to lead a life worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.

11 May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, 12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.

13 He has delivered us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

IV: The Power of Prayer
James 5:16-18

16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful.

17 Elijah was a man like us; yet he prayed earnestly that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain upon the land.

18 Then Elijah prayed again, and the sky gave rain and the earth produced its fruit.