September 6, 2024

Prayer for Servants of Christ

Heavenly Father,

We come before You as humble servants of Christ, seeking to adopt a posture of humility and service in all we do. Help us to put others’ needs before our own and to serve with hearts that seek to honor You.

You have entrusted us with various responsibilities and gifts. Grant us the wisdom to be faithful stewards of what You have given us—our time, talents, and resources. May we use these gifts wisely and for Your glory, not for personal gain or recognition.

Lord, we acknowledge that human judgment is limited and often flawed. Instead of seeking approval from others, help us to focus on pleasing You. Your judgment is what ultimately matters, and You see the true intentions of our hearts.

Teach us to refrain from making hasty judgments about others, for only You know the full picture and the true motives behind actions. By waiting for Your judgment, we practice patience and trust in Your perfect timing and wisdom.

Let us be genuine in our faith and actions. It’s not about outward appearances or seeking validation from others, but about being true to our calling and living authentically before You.

In Jesus’ name, we pray.
