September 5, 2024

Prayer for Abundant Catch

Lord Jesus,

Despite our efforts and struggles, we often come up empty. Yet, like Simon Peter, we choose to obey Your word, even when it seems illogical or beyond our understanding. Teach us to trust and obey You, knowing that Your commands are for our good.

When we witness Your miracles in our lives, may we fall at Your feet in humility, acknowledging our sinfulness and unworthiness. Grant us the grace to recognize our shortcomings and seek Your forgiveness and mercy.

You called Simon Peter to a new purpose, to catch people instead of fish. Help us to embrace our mission, to share the Gospel and bring others to You. Equip us for the tasks You have set before us and provide abundantly beyond our expectations.

As Your disciples left everything to follow You, challenge us to consider what we must let go of, to fully follow You and prioritize Your calling. May our faith be active and alive, demonstrating the power of belief combined with action.

Lord, we trust in You, we recognize our need for Your grace, we embrace our calling, and we commit fully to following You. Guide us, strengthen us, and lead us, in Your holy name, we pray. Amen.