July 26, 2024

Prayer for a Receptive Heart

Lord Jesus, 

Our hearts are like soil, varied and diverse, shaped by life’s toil. Just as different soils yield varying results, our hearts’ condition affects how Your Word consults.

Remove the Hardness: Break through the hardness, O Savior divine, softening our hearts, making them wholly Thine. Remove the stones of doubt and unbelief, that Your truth may take root, bringing sweet relief.

Endurance in Faith: Like rocky soil, our faith may be tested, challenges and trials, yet we’re not bested. Grant us endurance, rooted in Your truth, steadfast and unwavering, from our youth.

Thorny Distractions: Thorns of worldly concerns entangle our way, material worries, fleeting pleasures sway. Help us prioritize Your Word above all, that our hearts may heed Your loving call.

Abundant Fruit: The good soil, fertile and deep, produces abundant fruit, Your promises to keep. May we seek understanding, apply Your teachings, bearing fruit that glorifies, our lives reaching.

Lord Jesus, transform our hearts, we pray, Cultivate receptivity, day by day. In humility and selflessness, may we grow, reflecting Your love, wherever we go.


Reflection Source:
Conversation with Copilot