September 1, 2024

Prayer to Do what is Right

Heavenly Father,

We come before You with hearts open and sincere, seeking to live transparently in all our interactions. Guide us to live blamelessly and to always do what is right in Your sight.

Help us to avoid slander and harmful words, fostering a community built on trust and respect. May we treat our neighbors with kindness and fairness, reflecting Your love and justice in all we do.

Grant us the grace to let go of grudges and to speak no ill of others, promoting peace and reconciliation in our lives. Teach us to honor those who fear You and to reject wickedness, surrounding ourselves with positive influences that draw us closer to You.

Strengthen our resolve to keep our promises, even when it is difficult, demonstrating reliability and faithfulness. Help us to avoid exploitative financial practices and to show compassion and justice in all our dealings.

May we refuse to take bribes, ensuring fairness and upholding the integrity of our community. Lord, help us to regularly examine our actions and attitudes, aligning them with Your principles.

In Your holy name, we pray.
