August 24, 2024

Prayer of Unshakable Faith

Gracious Father, whose dominion spans eternity, We bow before Your throne, hearts filled with humility. Your everlasting kingdom stands firm, unyielding, A refuge for weary souls, a sanctuary of healing.

Generations rise and fall, yet Your reign persists, Unshakable, unwavering, through life’s twists. Compassion flows from Your heart, a boundless stream, Touching every creation, redeeming every dream.

Today, we lift our voices in praise and adoration, Blessing Your name, declaring Your exalted station. Majestic King, beyond earthly measure You stand, Our worship, personal and surrendered, in Your hand.

May our lives echo Your mighty acts, O Lord, As we walk this path, guided by Your Word. Empower us to share Your grace with those who follow, That Your love may shine brightly, today and tomorrow.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.