August 17, 2024

Prayer of Childlike Trust

Lord Jesus, our Shepherd and Guide, In the quiet chambers of our hearts, We come before You, childlike and unpretentious, Seeking the warmth of Your embrace.

You taught us that the Kingdom of Heaven Belongs to those who trust like little children, Their eyes wide with wonder, hearts unburdened, Their faith unmarred by life’s complexities.

So today, we lay down our adult worries, Our tangled thoughts, and our weary souls, And we choose simplicity—the faith of a child, For in that simplicity, we find You.

Embrace us, O Lord:

Like a parent lifting a child onto their knee,
Like a gentle breeze that kisses the cheeks of the innocent,
Like a warm sunbeam that chases away shadows.
Help us to trust wholeheartedly:

To believe without overthinking,
To surrender our doubts and fears,
To walk hand in hand with You, our Savior.
Teach us to embrace others:

The elderly, whose wisdom we honor,
The young, whose dreams are yet unfolding,
The broken, whose hearts ache for healing.
And let us invest in people:

Not just in grand gestures, but in small acts of kindness,
Not just in the strong, but in the vulnerable,
For everyone matters to You, O God.
May Your touch be upon us:

Like a healing balm on wounded souls,
Like a whispered promise in the night,
Like a sunrise that paints hope across the horizon.
And as we seek Your grace and favor:

May our trust in You be unwavering,
May our hearts remain open, unguarded,
May we find the Kingdom within, here and now.

In Your precious name, we pray. Amen.