August 31, 2024

Prayer for Wise Stewardship

Lord Jesus,

You have entrusted each of us with unique gifts, talents, and resources. As stewards of Your blessings, we seek to use them wisely and productively, for Your glory and the benefit of others. You know our capabilities and provide us with what we need to fulfill Your purposes. We trust that You equip us adequately for the tasks You set before us.

Grant us the diligence and hard work required for success. Help us to be proactive and industrious in our endeavors, knowing that our efforts can yield significant spiritual and practical returns. Guide us to take responsibility for our actions, making the most of our opportunities, aware that we will be held accountable for how we use our gifts. Protect us from inaction and complacency, so we do not miss opportunities or fall into spiritual stagnation.

Ultimately, we look to the eternal rewards that come from faithful service. May we hear Your commendation, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” and find joy and fulfillment in diligently serving You and others with the resources You have given us.
