August 27, 2024

Prayer for the Lord’s Righteous Reign

O Lord, our King, who governs with righteousness and justice, We lift our hearts to You, knowing that Your coming judgment is not a cause for dread, but a reason for rejoicing.

Your judgment is founded on righteousness and truth, Setting things right in a world often marred by darkness and confusion. You bring justice and restoration, healing the brokenness we see around us.

May we worship You with reverence and awe, Witnessing Your mighty works and the unfolding of Your divine plan. Eagerly, we await the day when Your righteous reign will fully manifest, When every tear will be wiped away, and every wrong made right.

Let our hearts join the cosmic chorus, declaring Your glory, As we bow before You, our Savior, our Redeemer, our Hope. May Your name be exalted, and Your love be known throughout all creation.

In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.