August 31, 2024

Prayer for Humility and Divine Guidance

Heavenly Father,

We come before You, acknowledging that human wisdom and strength are not the basis for Your calling. You can use anyone, regardless of their background or abilities, to fulfill Your divine plans. You often choose the unlikely and the humble to accomplish Your purposes.

Lord, help us not to be discouraged by our perceived weaknesses or lack of status. Instead, cultivate in us a spirit of humility, recognizing that our worth and abilities come from You. Guard our hearts against pride and boasting in our own achievements.

May our boasting always be in You, Lord, and not in ourselves. When we achieve something, remind us to give credit to You, acknowledging Your role in our successes. Keep our focus on You, fostering a spirit of gratitude within us.

Christ, You are our wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. We thank You for the diversity within the body of Christ, which is intentional and valuable. Help us to rely on You for our spiritual growth and transformation.

Guide us, Lord, to seek Your wisdom, follow Your teachings, and trust in Your work in our lives. May we always find our place in Your love and wisdom.

In Jesus’ name, we pray.
