January 12, 2011

"That is why I came out."

And in the morning, a great while before day, he rose and went out to a lonely place, and there he prayed (Mark 1:35).

Do you wake up before the sun rises in order to offer your day before the Lord and ask for revelation of His will and purpose over your life?

God directs our paths towards the fulfillment of His purpose in our day to day lives. If you want to have a good head start, wake up before the sun rises and go to a quiet place where He can reveal to you His will and purpose.

After Jesus prayed, He told Simon and those who were with him, "Let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also; for that is why I came out" (Mark 1:38).

Father in heaven, you are the giver of life who guides my path in this world. Thank you for gift of life that you give each time I wake up in the morning. Keep my eyes set on you each time I start a new day full of hope that by your will and purpose, all your blessings, healing and miracles shall be upon me. Lead me to the fulfillment of all my wishes and desires as I offer myself and my day to you with much joy and love in my heart. Please protect me and my love ones against any form of evil as we face the challenges that lies ahead. I claim victory over all the works that must be done for you are with me through Christ until the end of time. With much love and respect I pray, in Jesus Name. Amen.