December 26, 2010


"Whoever honors his father 
will be gladdened by his own children, 
and when he prays 
he will be heard." 
Sirach 3:5


After having dinner on a calm and peaceful Christmas day with my family, I began sharing with my daughter and nephews the views and experiences I had with my parents, their grandpa and grandma who is now reunited with the Lord.

I told them that their grandpa (my dad) was a very good and creative speaker. In his time, he is one of the highest paid speakers for business seminars. There were no "power-point presentations" yet in those days but my father made very unique and creative visual materials that amazes his audience or listeners. He has also an arsenal of "ad-lib jokes" to ensure the attentiveness of all the participants listening to a "Three (3) Hour Teaching". You could just imagine how he could manage to penetrate their minds and understanding to absorb his teaching for such a long period of talk.

I guess these are the gifts and good marks of speakers whose background or profession are teachers or professors in schools, colleges or universities. My Dad is a Professor of "Engineering Drawing" being a Civil Engineer.

In sharing my views and experiences with my Dad, I continue to give him honor. I grew up closely beside him and in a way, my great love and affection for my family is a legacy that my Dad was able to build in me. He is a great engineer not only by profession of building real estate properties but moreover, by building the lives of his own children.

I will give thanks to you, O Lord, with all my heart, for you have heard the words of my mouth; in the presence of the angels I will sing your praise (Psalm 138:1).